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Aktualności w galerii Libero Katowice - lista nadchodzących wydarzeń i premiery nowych kolekcji marek modowych

Libero will play with the WOŚP Orchestra. Not once, but twice!

Libero will play with the WOŚP Orchestra. Not once, but twice!

On the eve of the 27th finale of WOŚP, Libero is at complete readiness. On both Saturday and Sunday it will be colourful, entertaining and musically inspiring along with search & rescue dogs and visitors from a far-off galaxy.  We will show all of Poland how to 10-pin bowl for 27 hours while at the same time collecting money for needy children. At the same time, together with the WOŚP medical team and medical students, we will check-out your health.

Below, we showcase what attractions await the people of Katowice on Saturday and Sunday, who will be able to throw money into the collecting tins at Kościuszki 229. Bring your family, friends, acquaintances and … strangers and see you at Libero!


SATURDAY 12th January

Playing on the WOŚP stage will be :

2 pm.              Echa

3.15 pm.         Transgresja

4.30 pm.         Jelonek

5.45 pm.         Żyjoki

7.00 pm.         Sami

8.15 pm.         Tajpan


Other Events & Attractions :

2 pm.   Start of the marathon 27 hour record breaking attempt at 10-pin bowling. Takes place at recreation centre MK Bowling. More details :

2 pm. – 6 pm. Creative, interactive workshops with artists from Twórcownia. Sewing together 27 unique heart-shaped pillows, we will make dozens of origami hearts and cut-outs, and in addition, we will paint hundreds of smiling children’s faces.

2 pm. – 6 pm. Collection for WOŚP and a speed-ball game with the Polish representative Andrzej Marie. Join us in front of the main entrance where for sure, balls and rackets will fly.

2 pm. – 6 pm. Prophylactic medical examinations with the WOŚP medical group. Here, you will be able to check your blood pressure, blood sugar level, BMI or body fat percentage. For sure it will be a healthy benefit for you.

– Playing with the youngest visitors at “Teddy Hospital” – just to show there is no need to be afraid of doctors
– Registration of potential bone marrow donors
– The bravest dogs in the city, i.e. rescue dog shows with dogs from WOPR Katowice branches
– Empire of Power, or put another way, a meeting of fans of Star Wars

On Saturday and Sunday there will be a unique opportunity to throw money into a Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader or Princess Lea galactic tin.

– 126p Party Bike, a unique, one-of-a-kind combination of a small Fiat and a rickshaw.


SUNDAY- 13th January

Schedule on the WOŚP stage:


12:00              Mocno Popularni concert – first show

12.30 pm.       Auctions

12.45 pm.       Ukulele workshop – 27 ukulele’s all at once with Tomasz Andrzejewski

2.15 pm.         Auctions

2.30 pm.         Ukulele combined concert

2.55 pm.         Mocno Popularni concert – second show

3.25 pm.         Auctions

3:30 pm.         in the rhythm of WOŚP, guitar workshop with Tomasz Andrzejewski

3:35 pm.         27 drums for the 27th  WOŚP in Libero – workshops with Dominik Muszyński

5:00 pm          Together for WOŚP drums

5.10 pm.         mini recital by Tomasz Andrzejewski

5.20 pm.         Auctions

5.30 pm.         Mocno Popularni concert – third & final show


12.00 – 6 pm. prophylactic medical examinations with the WOŚP medical group, the International Association of Medical Students IFMSA-Poland and the Polish Society of Dentistry Students.

12.00 – 6 pm. workshops for the youngest with craft-teachers from Twórcownia, in which we will sew, cut, decorate and glue, hearts for the WOŚP Charity, of course.

2 pm. – 6.00 pm. WOŚP collection and speed-ball games with Polish representative Andrzej Marie. In and around the main entrance.

5.00 pm.  The grand finale of the record breaking attempt at playing 10-pin bowling for 27 hours.  MK Bowling entertainment centre.

6.00 pm. “The Cram” during which we will hope to beat the record of the number of people who can squeeze into a heart-shape of 10m² to create the WOŚP logo. It will be tight, warm and nice. Meet in front of the main entrance. Don’t miss it.


– Empire of Power, cont. Star Wars fans never fail, they also collect on Sunday. As every year, during the 27th Final, Empire of Power will play together with their friends from the 501 Polish Garrison 501.
– 126p Party Bike, rides and photos with a unique rickshaw, which is a small Fiat, and a small Fiat that has become a rickshaw.


Powrót do Aktualności
Godziny otwarcia


  • PON – SOB:09:00 – 21:00
  • ND:10:00 – 20:00


  • Zgodnie z repertuarem

MK Bowling

  • PON - CZW:12:00 - 22:00
  • PT:12:00 - 00:00
  • SOB:10:00 - 02:00
  • ND:10:00 - 22:00

Fabryka Formy

  • PON – PT:06:30 – 22:30
  • SOB:08:00 – 21:00
  • ND:08:00 – 20:00

Centrum medyczne

  • PON – SOB: 08:00 – 20:00
  • ND: nieczynne


  • PON - SOB:8:00 - 21:00
  • ND:9:00 - 20:00

Niedziele handlowe 2025

  • 26 stycznia
  • 13 kwietnia
  • 27 kwietnia
  • 29 czerwca
  • 31 sierpnia
  • 7 grudnia
  • 14 grudnia
Dowiedz się więcej
Lokalizacja i dojazd

Zobacz jak do nas dojechać

ul. Kościuszki 229
40-600 Katowice

Mapa dojazdu do Galerii
Zobacz na google maps
Plan obiektu
Plan centrum handlowego Libero Katowice, poziom 0 - parter Plan centrum handlowego Libero Katowice, poziom 1 Plan centrum handlowego Libero Katowice, poziom 2

    Libero Katowice
    Ul. Kościuszki 229
    40-600 Katowice

    Punkt informacyjny
    Tel.: +32 213 87 00

    Wynajem powierzchni
    Tomasz Domoń
    Tel.: +48 664 900 211

    Biuro Zarządu
    Tel.: +32 213 87 01

    Wynajem Powierzchni Wyspowych
    Dorota Chłopek


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