Prepare yourself because Summer on Square to Joy is still on top! There are more fun, more food and more positive, summer energy.
Chceck our Schedule on September!
9:00-21:00 – Game Zone: board games, plays and games (Sunday 10:00-20:00)
9:00-21:00 – Chill Out Zone: deck chairs i hammmocks, swings and terrace on container roof (Sundays 10:00-20:00)
9:00-21:00 – Ksiażkodzielnia Libero: books exchange spot for kids and adults (Sundays 10:00-20:00)
9:00-21:00 – Bulodrom: free boule track for everybody (Sundays 10:00-20:00)
16:00-21:00 – Food Truck Libero: super summer menu
16:00-21:00 – Grill&Bar: wuszt, burgers and snacks
16:00-20:00 – Boule on Square: learning of basic rules and how to play
19:00-21:00 – Summer Libero Stage: plays of Teatr Pijana Sypialnia. Teatr na leżakach®: „Wodewill Warszawski” (06.09) and „Sztuczki” (20.09)
11:00-20:00 – Niech Żyją Dziewczyny!: Trades of fashion, cosmetics and design. Brands made by girls for girls (28.09)
12:00-20:00: Bonjour, Bonjour: French weekend, boule competition open for everybody, connoisseur corner with vine and cheese tasting with live music
12:00-21:00 – Food Truck Libero: super summer menu
12:00-21:00 – Grill&Bar: wuszt, burgers and snacks
12:00-20:00 – Boule on Square: learning of basic rules and how to play
11:00-19:00 – Niech Żyją Dziewczyny!: Trades of fashion, cosmetics and design. Brands made by girls for girls (29.09)
12:00-20:00: Bonjour, Bonjour: French weekend, boule competition open for everybody, connoisseur corner with vine and cheese tasting with live music
12:00-20:00 – Food Truck Libero: super summer menu
12:00-20:00 – Grill&Bar: wuszt, burgers and snacks
12:00-20:00 – Boule on Square: learning of basic rules and how to play